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Without doubt humans and their collective intellect present as one of the biggest assets of any company. In some cases, it has been shown that it is the people within an organisation that can set one company...

We all know it… adults should do some form of physical activity every day. It can help to improve your health and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Here are some eye-opening stats about physical activity...

Some of us love numbers…others not so. Some think in pictures…others simply can’t. Combining the two helps to tell a great story....

It has been our experience that many people leave the work environment and jump straight into their domestic environment. For some this can be challenging as both environments can be stressful....

New work health and safety regulations are here. A person conducting a business or undertaking is now required by law to eliminate or minimise psychosocial risks, as much as is reasonably practical....

There’s a lot to leadership and no two leaders are the same. Over the last three to five years we’ve had the pleasure to work with some dynamic leaders. In this context, our definition of a leader is one who instils a will to improve and considers fellow workers....

Changing habits at any time is tough. We use “Atomic Habits” by James Clear to help with our coaching and training programs. You may want to read the book or have a crack at what our program participants have come up with to help them change their habits. ...

We are fortunate enough to work with the organisation Thompson and Redwood. They conduct the bulk of their quality stock feed business in the wonderfully named suburb to the east of Perth - Upper Swan....

Mental health problems like stress, anxiety and depression have been evident in our collected data across Australian professional services and mining workforces for the past 5 years. Our findings from over 200,000 data points, pre and post COVID-19...

When a business is all about risk and insuring against risk – it’s great to see the same principles applied when it comes to managing their own human risk. @Austral Risk Services is an organisation walking the talk, as they embark on an integrated health, wellbeing and performance program to...

Several years ago, I read In Defense of Food and surprisingly it was mentioned in a recent meeting when discussing food and performance. So, I went back and reread it and I reckon it could make a wonderful gift for those who have everything...

Thompson and Redwood have joined the growing number of companies who are overtly supporting their employees. Working with Optimum, these employees will now have access to an extensive range of digital resources...

Those in the C-suite within any business understand the pressures that can appear…from anywhere… anytime. The relentless nature of being an executive in today’s ever changing business environment is felt across all levels of personal health risks....

Workers’ compensation claims related to mental health are set to double by 2030, according to the Economic Development of Australia Report 2022....

Managing Mental Health at work needs as many factors aligned as possible. Optimum’s Peer Support Program identifies 5 ways to support your struggling mate at work....

We all may have experienced that mid-afternoon slumber whilst at work. At Optimum, we have found these few tips assist to avoid hitting the wall and make the afternoon as productive as the morning....

Suicide - currently the biggest killer of people under 40 years of age. In Australia, the greatest number of life years lost in 2019 was due to suicide and self-harm, and managers of a younger workforce should take note....

Everyone is aware that sleep deprivation of any sort can be debilitating. Ask a new mum or dad. Ask a shift worker. Or a breakfast radio host. Check in with FIFO employees. All obvious and certainly in need of support to manage sleep and ultimately fatigue....

Even though most forward-thinking companies recognise the impact of employee physical and mental wellbeing on organisational performance, most are yet to adopt evidence-based, metrics-driven practices....

As you probably already know, companies in the mining and services sector have traditionally had a workforce with a higher percentage of males than a VB add. So naturally, companies know a thing or two about managing and supporting a workforce of men...

Get ready: WA’s proposed new Work, Health and Safety (WHS) laws will see a sizeable shift in the way companies go about safety and mental health procedures. Given they’re the biggest changes to Safety laws since the 1980s, companies who aren’t prepared will be more vulnerable than a construction worker...

We know the consequences of the COVID-19 on the well-being of employees in the mining services sector have been far-reaching. But as companies continue to navigate this new normal, there’s an increasing need for more tailored responses to workplace challenges...

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